Tuesday, May 8, 2007

GOING AGAINST THE CURRENT:Wisdom from a Goldfish

Another story from my silent retreat...
Going Against the Current:
Wisdom from a Goldfish
By Maida C. Pineda

Inspiration comes from everywhere. I’m finding much difficulty praying today. I’ve tried sitting quietly in the prayer room. I’ve gone back to my room. I lay in bed trying to read the bible but that didn’t seem to work. I tried getting comfortable in the Chapel. I sat Indian style with the fan directly aimed me. That lasted for about an hour or so. Taking a cup of instant coffee with Milo, I decided to take a break outside. At two in the afternoon, the summer heat is oppressive. But an artificial waterfall gushes water down stream. At the base are some tiny orange goldfish quietly swimming together. I watched them for a while, but all they did was swim in circles. I then walked a few steps where the falls gushes step by step with rocks channeling the flow of the water. Then there he was. One tiny goldfish was swimming upstream. The flow of the water was pushing him down, but he was determined to swim upstream. He was swimming with all his might. I got lost in the moment. Then he landed on a flat rock. “Oh no!,” I cried thinking he could die. He then slid himself off the rock and proceeded to swim up stream, pushing against the current.

Perhaps, no one has told him to go with the flow. I thought he was crazy. The water was gushing so forcefully through the rocks. “There was no way he’d make it upstream,” I thought to myself. There I was leaning to the railing watching every moment of his fight. He negotiated rock after rock. He would try the left side and if the current was too strong, he would shift to the right. Watching intently, he proved me wrong. And, I became his number one cheerleader. “Go, go, go!,” I said out loud with all my attention on this goldfish. (I’m glad no one witnessed my cheering).

Compared to the tiny goldfish, I felt big and mighty. As I was watching the whole thing unfold, I wondered if God felt this way. As we boldly swim upstream when the current flows down stream, does he cheer us on and watch our every move as we persevere to conquer our dreams? Does he hold his breath as I did when the odds seem against us? Does he finally sigh in relief when we succeed?

The goldfish made it to the top of the falls. He disappeared into a tube under the bridge. I left the falls enriched by the experience. The little goldfish taught me to persevere, to go against the flow even if it meant swimming with all your might. The little creature also taught me of a Higher Being watching cheering us on, believing in us, and smiling when we make it.

Inspiration not only comes from churches, chapels, or being still and silent, but also from little creatures. Just be present.

4/7/2007.2:30pm.maida pineda.manila, philippines

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