Tuesday, May 8, 2007

When You Come to a fork in the road, take it!

I have resisted writing a blog for the many reasons. It seems too self-indulgent. It seems too exposed to have your raw thoughts read. And, my full-time job is already writing. I am a food and travel writer. But more and more, I realize a blog could help me organize my thoughts. Or at least a blog can help organize my bits of writing into one accessible source. I would mention to friends, oh you should read this bit I wrote. Then, I forget where I had written it, or even what filename it is in my laptop. And, any writer knows... we write any where and any time. I find myself writing in bits of paper, used Starbucks napkins, or on the edges of a newspaper.

While I have many articles that have been published and even a book, there is much of my writing lurking in odd places.

Why Fork in the Road? It is Yogi Berra's wise words, "When you come to a fork in the road, take it!" I have heeded his advice and taken the many forks I have encountered. My life has been truly rich and blessed. Two Thanksgivings ago, my classmates in my graduate class in Gastronomy and our professors were celebrating this American holiday in Australia. My British Professor stood up to impart some holiday cheer and some food for thought as we were soon going our own ways. He said, "When you come to a fork in the road, take it!" I may have forgotten the flavors of the four different bread stuffings that evening, or the different pies made by my American classmates....but those words linger. They still remain with me today.

Join me in my delicious journey called life. As I partake in different adventures, as I ponder on the lessons, and as I chew on food for thought.

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